Monday, February 2, 2015

flu, several feet of snow and a Super Bowl championship

It has been a while - since my hubby's birthday on January 11th - the last time I posted. I had the flu, the one that's going around with 3-4 days of sleep, then a wracking cough for a few weeks. In that time we have also had a 2+ foot snowstorm and another foot of snow today - and it's still coming down. Where we are going to put it, I don't know!  Oh, and last night the Patriots won the Super Bowl in a most amazing way. No need to talk about that here, but let's just say the end was amazing!

I have been working on a few pages that I've been enjoying for #DLP2015:

I also joined May Flaum's Finding the Art in my Journal online course - I have done a few pages for this too:

I have been doing some spinning, well, getting ready for some spinning too - prepping this lovely Miss Faye Shetland Lamb fleece - more to do, but I'm getting there using my new Ashford Wild Drum Carder:

All for now, time to go make another Jamie Oliver's Chicken in Milk with some yummy Roast Potatoes in my new Instant Pot