Sunday, January 11, 2015

sick... this sucks!

So I got off to a great start this year, being busy, doing something creative, getting active, signing up for swimming lessons. And then it hit me. Friday night on my way home all I could think of was, I just can't wait to take a nap when I get home. That was it... and I went to bed for a short nap, woke up 3 hours later, and then back to bed - where I have pretty much spent the weekend. Oh, and it happens to be the hubby's birthday today. Hope that I feel good enough to go to work tomorrow. Ugh. 

Monday, January 5, 2015

do something creative, every day

I am not a "resolutioner" as my trainer called them today - we all know who/what they are - the people who join the gym and take up all of the treadmills for about 6 weeks - and then in mid-February we have our regular space back. I just can't use the word "resolution" - it doesn't work for me, I truly feel it is just setting yourself up for failure and disappointment. Nope, I just have some things that I'm going to try to keep doing on a regular basis and with any luck, it will cause happiness and improved mental and physical health. 

One of these things is to try to do something creative every day - be it spinning, knitting, art journaling, even if it's just putting some pictures in some pocket pages (did someone say Project Life?) and adding some stuff to tell the story. I know that I always feel better when I've spent a little crafty time - either here in my room or with friends. 

So today? Yup, just did it - I went to the gym and worked with my trainer after work and now I'm putting a few strokes across a page in one of my art journals. And now I think I'll sleep well tonight. All I hope is that I see some smiles in the elevator again tomorrow morning - that first "post shut-down glow" day is so enchanting! 

Thursday, January 1, 2015

welcome to 2015

Well, here we go again! 2015 is here - and I'll be 48 next month.  How on earth did that happen? 

I decided to participate in a few things this year, starting with DLP2015. Page one is complete and I'm pretty happy with it. 

This page focused on using Book Pages and "being your own goalkeeper" - I loved the quote with the picture so much that I saved it and didn't paint over it. I found it in the Modern Medical Counselor from 1951. It is such a great message for the new year - "To close the day with a happy heart, and to find rest and sleep with a peaceful mind--these are two of the greatest blessings that help to maintain good health."This included a few pieces of my Gelli Prints too.